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Scotland 2025 Doubt Yourself, Do It Anyway International Summit
July 14th-18th, 2025

20% OFF for all BIPOC Attendees

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Doubt Yourself Do It Anyway Summit-Edinburgh 2025
Terms and Conditions & Retreat Waiver
Empowered Escapes, LLC
September 14th-18th, 2025 | Radisson Blu Hotel, Edinburgh, Scotland

It is your responsibility to fully understand the terms and conditions for the Retreat. Please read carefully what is and is not included in your retreat package and review all-encompassing information in the Welcome Package and on the website. Should you have questions regarding the terms and conditions, Empowered Escapes, LLC are available for consultation and would be happy to clarify any areas in advance of signing the Agreement.
I, ___________________________________________________ (Print your full name), (“Participant”), in consideration of my participation in the Doubt Yourself Do It Anyway Summit- Radisson Blu Hotel, Edinburgh Scotland with Empowered Escapes, LLC. I registered for as well as the associated accommodations, meals, events and activities (collectively, “Retreat,”) I agree as follows:
“Agreement” shall refer to this Agreement, in its entirety.
“Activities” shall include: 12 NBCC CE Speaker Sessions, 3 daily lunch at hotel, welcome party
“Destination Country” shall mean [Scotland].“Instructor” shall mean Empowered Escapes, LLC and any other individuals employed or contracted by Empowered Escapes, LLC to assist at the Retreat.
“Risks” shall include, without limitation, vehicular traffic, road and trail conditions, health conditions, weather, equipment failure, driver error, participant error, food provided, facilities, actions of other people, and the actions, negligence and carelessness of the Released, as defined below.
“Released” shall include Empowered Escapes, LLC, the Retreat organizers, booking agents, hosts, website hosting partners, retreat hosts, leaders, volunteers, officers, directors, employees, contractors and agents, the owners or operators of any Retreat facilities or equipment provided, the sponsors and partners of the Retreat. “Resort should mean” Radisson Blu Hotel, Edinburgh Scotland.
Effective Date.
This Agreement shall take effect immediately upon execution by the Participant. It shall remain in effect unless amended or revoked in writing as set forth herein.
Cost of Retreat.
The cost of the Retreat is $1500.00/per person. Retreat rates are per person.
The flat fee set forth above includes the following: 12 NBCC CE Speaker Presentations, (3) lunches, welcome party on 9/14/2025.
The flat fee set forth above does not include the following: anything not expressly listed above; airfare and any other travel costs to reach the Destination Country; costs associated with passports, visas, and customs; taxes; medical, travel, or trip cancellation insurance; medical examinations and testing required for travel; vaccinations; specialty beverages or alcohol; optional meals; tips; personal expenses (e.g., laundry and shopping); self-care/spa services e (e.g., massage);
Participant must pay the applicable fee in full at least 30 days prior to the start of the Retreat. If the reservation is made less than 90 days prior to the start of the Retreat, payment in full must be made when the reservation is accepted. If payment in full is not made as required above, Instructor may and will assume Participant will not attend the Retreat and cancellation charges will apply as set forth in Paragraph 5 below. Due to the complexity of planning the Retreat, payment plans/installment agreements are not available.
Cancellation by Participant.
Due to the complexity of planning an international retreat, refunds are only available as set forth in this Paragraph:
If Participant wishes to cancel their participation in the Retreat, they must notify Instructor by email to patrick@casalecoaching.com. Cancellation shall take effect on the day Instructor receives the required email from Participant.
The initial deposit is non-refundable.
If proper cancellation notice is received by Instructor more than 90 days prior to the start of the Retreat, 50% of any payments made by Participant will be refunded to Participant.
If cancellation notice is received by Instructor 90 days or less prior to the start of the Retreat, there shall be no refund.
There shall be no refund if Participant attends the Retreat, but leaves early, for any reason.
Any refunds due to Participant according to this Agreement will be made in USD by check to Participant within 30 days of receiving proper cancellation notice. Cashing of the check by Participant shall constitute full settlement between Instructor and Participant.
Cancellation and Changes by Instructor.
Instructor reserves the right to make changes to any aspect of the Retreat, or to cancel the Retreat entirely, at any time due to conditions in the Destination Country, neighboring countries, or the world, including but not limited to acts of nature such as weather or other natural disaster, pandemic, and other “acts of god,” acts of war or terrorism, terrorist threat, civil unrest, riots, strikes, trade disputes, interruption of transportation, government or political actions or orders, change of law or regulation, suspension of civil rights, crime, a material change to the relevant U.S. State Department Travel Warning or Advisory (which can be found at https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages.html), acts or omissions of a third party, or for any other reason whatsoever outside the reasonable control of Instructor. This is a force majeure provision. In such an event, the Instructor and the Resort will reschedule the Retreat within a one-year time frame. If the changes or cancellation occur more than 90 days from the start of the Retreat (and Participant does not wish to accept the changes), 100% of any payments made by Participant will be refunded to Participant. If the changes or cancellation occur between 31 and 90 days prior to the start of the Retreat (and Participant does not wish to accept the changes), 50% of any payments made by Participant will be refunded to Participant or if the changes or cancellation occur 30days or less prior to the start of the Retreat (and Participant does not wish to accept the changes), refunds may be given in the discretion of Instructor or Instructor may agree to apply all or part of any payments made to a future retreat with Instructor.
In all of the above-listed events in this Paragraph, Participant hereby waives any right to claim other amounts are due to them, including but not limited to for loss of time, inconvenience, visa and passport fees, airfare and other travel expenses, insurance premiums, gear purchases, and vaccination and other medical-related costs. Participating in international travel and an international retreat is risky for everyone involved, not just Participant. That is why Instructor strongly recommends travel and trip cancellation insurance; such insurance helps everyone share the potential cost of the risks of an international retreat. If you choose not to purchase travel and trip cancellation insurance you assume all liability and risk associated with this decision including but not limited to loss of time, inconvenience, visa and passport fees, airfare and other travel expenses, insurance premiums, gear purchases, and vaccination and other medical-related costs.
Transfer Policy
Reservations cannot be transferred from one retreat to another. However, deposits or any payments made by Participant may be transferable to another applicant for or participant in the Retreat.
Required Insurance.
Instructor does not require rather strongly recommends that each and every Participant purchase individual travel and trip cancellation insurance in advance of the Retreat. In particular, due to the inherently risky nature of international travel especially during and for while after the COVID-19 global public health emergency, Instructor recommends a “Cancel For Any Reason” provision in the policy. It is Participant’s responsibility to ensure that they are adequately insured for the duration of the Retreat regarding accident, injury, illness, death, emergency evacuation and repatriation, loss of personal items, cancellation, curtailment, worldwide emergency assistance, and all other contingencies. No insurance is provided for Participant by Instructor or by the retreat center. Participant must confirm coverage or their decision not to for said insurance via google form submission when requested by Instructor.
Certification, Acknowledgements, Assumption of Risk, Health and Safety
I hereby certify that there are no health- related reasons or problems that preclude or restrict my participation in the Retreat, that I am physically fit, able to walk on unstable surfaces, such as trails, paths, grass and roads, and have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical person.
I understand that the Retreat is in no way psychotherapeutic or medical in nature. The Retreat is not involved with the treatment of disease of any kind and does in no way substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. Empowered Escapes, LLC and/or other Instructors and teachers do not treat, prescribe, or diagnose any illness, disease, or any other physical or mental disorder. Any personal advice or answers to my questions that are given to me on this Retreat are for entertainment purposes only.
Participant understands that during the Retreat, Instructor may touch them and may give them physical assistance from time to time, and that before each class, it is their responsibility to let Instructor know if they do not want to be touched or assisted.
I am entirely responsible for my own personal safety, health, and mental, physical, emotional, and general well-being during and after the Retreat. I hold the Instructor harmless for anything that might happen to me or to my possessions on this Retreat, including anything that might happen to me or to my possessions as a result of the actions of other Participants or other Resort attendees. I understand that no health insurance nor travel insurance nor medical evacuation insurance is provided by the Retreat organizers, and, if I wish to be insured, I have to do this myself.
Assumption of Risk.
I hereby assume all risks of participation in the Activities and the Retreat, including without limitation all Risks, whether such risks are caused (a) by the negligence or carelessness of the Instructor, (b) the negligence or carelessness of myself or (c) from dangerous or defective equipment or property owned or provided in any way by the Released. I acknowledge that the Retreat is or may be an extreme test of my physical and mental limits and carries with it the potential for serious injury, property loss and even death.
Waiver, Release and Agreement Not to Sue.
I, and on behalf of my executors, administrators, heirs, successors, assigns, and as the parent or legal guardian of a participant of a Retreat, agree NOT TO SUE or make a claim against the Released for any and all damage, death, injuries, loss, or harm that occur during the Retreat or while travel to and from the Retreat and Retreat Activities. This release includes, but is not limited to, claims for strict liability for any activities in which I choose to participate in the course of the Retreat, whether caused by negligence or carelessness of the Released or otherwise.
I release the Retreat Organizers and their representatives, and any of their employees, assistants, and affiliates, of any liability for any injuries or damages mentally or physically I or any of my family members might incur during or after the Retreat. I release the Released and their representatives and any of their employees, assistants, and affiliates from any injuries or damages mentally or physically that I or any of my family members might incur during or after this Retreat as a result of following any advice given to me on this Retreat. I release the Released and their employees, assistants, and affiliates from any obligation to fulfill any claims about this Retreat that have been printed or spoken in any tapes, lecture, letters, literature, the Internet, websites, or the news media.
Indemnification and Hold Harmless.
I, and on behalf of my executors, administrators, heirs, successors, assigns, and as the parent or legal guardian of a participant of a Retreat, hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Released and each of them from all liabilities, causes of action, claims and demands that arise from my acts or my failure to act, including my own negligence, during or relating to the Retreat. I, agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Released and each of them from all liabilities, causes of action, claims and demands that arise from any loss, liability or damage, including reasonable attorney’s fees incurred in any suit, demand or legal action arising out of any alleged injury, damage or death resulting from engaging in any Activities, participation in the Retreat, or is alleged to or did result from the negligence or carelessness of any person. In accordance with this promise, I shall reimburse the Released for any damages, reasonable settlements and defense costs, including attorney’s fees that they incur because of any such claims made against them including through appeal. I agree that in the event of my death or disability, the terms of this agreement, including the indemnification obligation in this Paragraph 12, will be binding on my estate, and my personal representative, executor, administrator or guardian will be obligated to respect and enforce them.
Inherently Dangerous Activities.
Participant acknowledges that he/she is willfully and with full knowledge participating in certain activities, including but not limited to a program that may include fitness and physical exercise, and travel that may be inherently dangerous.
Medical Care.
Although I acknowledge that there is no obligation of any person to provide any participant with medical care during, prior to or after a Retreat, in the event medical treatment is provided to me or my child or legal guardian, I hereby consent to such care. Release shall apply to all medical care and such medical care shall be deemed to be an Activity.
Personal Property.
I acknowledge and agree that I am responsible for my equipment and all personal property during the Retreat and that the Released are not responsible in any way for such property whether it is lost, stolen or damaged.
Permission for Capture and Use.
Media is defined as photography, video, written or verbal testimonial, or any other form of capturing likeness. I grant the Released the absolute and irrevocable right and unrestricted permission concerning any captured media that she/he has taken or may take of me or in which I may be included with others, to use, reuse, publish, and republish in whole or in part, individually or in connection with other material, in any and all publishing platforms now or hereafter known, including the Internet, and for any purpose whatsoever, specifically including illustration, promotion, art, editorial, advertising, and trade, without restriction as to alteration; and to use my name in connection with any use if she/he so chooses. I release and discharge the Released from any and all claims and demands that may arise out of or in connection with the use of the media, including without limitation any and all claims for libel or violation of any right of publicity or privacy. This authorization and release shall also inure to the benefit of the heirs, legal representatives, licensees, and assigns of Photographer, Videographer, Interviewer, Editor, as well as the person(s) for whom he/she captured the media.
Participant agrees at all times while participating in the Activities, to maintain his/her behavior in accordance with all applicable laws and generally accepted social practices. Participant understands and agrees that he/she may be removed from or restricted from participation in the Activities at any time if: (i) Participant’s behavior at the Activities, in Instructor’s sole discretion, is deemed at any point to be disruptive or combative, or may or does cause damage to any person and/or property; or (ii) for any other lawful reason.
If any provisions of this Agreement are deemed invalid or unenforceable, such provisions shall be deemed severable from the remainder of this Agreement and will not cause the invalidity or unenforceability of the remainder of this Agreement. Consistent with the provisions of this Paragraph, if any provisions are deemed invalid due to their scope or breadth, such provisions shall be deemed valid to the full extent of the applicable law.
This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement of the parties regarding the Retreat. All agreements, covenants, representations, and warranties, express or implied, oral or written, of the parties are contained herein. No other agreements, covenants, representations, or warranties, express or implied, oral or written, have been made between the parties regarding the Retreat. All prior, contemporaneous, and future conversations, negotiations, possible and alleged agreements and representations, covenants, and warranties regarding the Retreat are waived, merged herein, or superseded hereby. This is an integrated agreement. If any provision of this Agreement conflicts with language about the Retreat on any website (including the Instructor’s website) or information provided by an airline, travel agency, hotel or resort, or anyone else, this Agreement shall govern.
Applicable Law, Forum and Attorney’s Fees.
I agree that the purpose of this agreement is that it shall be an enforceable release of liability and indemnity as broad and inclusive as is permitted by law. I agree that if any portion or provision of this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, then the remainder will continue in full force and effect. I also agree that any invalid provision will be modified or partially enforced to the maximum extent permitted by law to carry out the purpose of the agreement.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Kansas, without regard to its conflict of laws rules.
I have read and understand the foregoing Retreat Terms and Conditions and Retreat Waiver. By signing this Retreat Terms and Conditions and Retreat Waiver, the Participant releases the Instructor and its representatives from all responsibility and liability.

____________________________________ _______________
Participant Signature Date

Print Participant Name

I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Scotland Summit Registration ($1500) Pay In Full$1500.00
  • Preferred option
    Scotland Summit Registration-$750 today, $750 in 30 days2x $750.00
  • Preferred option
    Scotland Summit Registration $750 today, 2 monthly payments of 375$ after 30 days 2x $375.00/mo

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Scotland Summit Registration--July 14-18, 2025 $1500$0

Only 0 remaining!

  • Total payment
  • 1xScotland Summit Registration--July 14-18, 2025 $1500$0

All prices in USD

